In this sci-fi adventure, Sam Flynn (Jeff Bridges) is the son of an iconic video-game developer, Kevin Flynn. He visits his father's Arcade, where he discovers a strange signal that carries a message from his father. Sam is soon pulled into Kevin's cyberworld, where he joins forces with a warrior named Quorra to find an escape route. As they fight for their lives in the increasingly dangerous world of Quorra, Sam begins to see a future he had never imagined.
Films like TRON: Legacy have been credited with helping the technology industry realize the next phase of the space exploration. A new fusion camera system was used to create the film, which incorporated the same technology developed by James Cameron for the 2009 hit Avatar. The Fusion Camera System uses two Sony HDC-F950 HD cameras to simulate the stereoscopic function of human vision. This ensures that 3-D images are as realistic as possible.
Despite its shortcomings, Legacy has its own unique legacy and must make its mark on the cinematic universe. In the original, Kevin Flynn was a cheerful capitalist, but as a father, he has been made a techno-messiah by his son. Now, his death has blasted his entire digital world and bleached the world of color. A sequel to Tron is inevitable, but there are endless rumors of it.